Malmsteen, Satch, Hendrix and the others....
The title says it all.. You have Malmsteen, the fastest electric guitar player on "harmonic minor scales," Joe 'Satch' Satriani, the master of rock'n'roll and boogie, and Jimi Hendrix, the precursor of the new genre of rock'n'roll: Hard Rock..and then, you have the others lagging behind, trying restlessly to imitate the 'top lot'. Hmmm, "lagging behind " is maybe a too harsh word, really... there are, in fact, SO MANY other electric guitar players out there worth their salt, no doubt about that, but it's normal to have preferences, isn't it? Aaarr, I was writing a SPLENDID article on Yngwie Malmsteen the other day(his bio-, discography etc), but unfortuantely the connection was reset and everything was lost! Somebody would say "But why didn't you copied the text into Word or something like that?". Well unluckily enough, the copy/paste commands were not working at that very moment! So, I've learnt a great lesson: better save your work 3 hours too soon than 3 minutes too late! (taken from Batman Begins: "Better 3 hours too early than 3 minutes too late").
P.S: Going to watch Harry Potter tomorrow!! Yes man!!
picture taken from, december 2005, The Seventh Sign album cover.