Friday, January 06, 2006

Other avatars...

<-- Avatar no.1

Falcons, falcons... I would have nicknamed myself rockfalcon, if that sounded good sounds rather more like a brand of rock biscuits for kids! Stonefalcon is the best name I could find (aar.. and it's ONLY NOW that I'm telling this!...Hmm, people out there are learning more and more stuffs about me it seems...At this pace , everybody will know someday that I'm a boy, that I like to play basketball, that.. euh... oops! I didn't say anything..ANYTHING!! Understand?)

Avatar no.2--->

Bloody fool am I! Anyway, the holidays are slowly but surely coiming to an end..and I HAVE NOT FINISHED THE BLOODY REVISION YET! Aaarghh! There's so much to revise and I'm here, heating up my seat, writing stupidly and doing nothing worth it.... Mmm, I'm decided: tomorrow I'll get to the revision stuff at the earliest hour!!
Yeah, let's put it as my resolutions for 2006:
1.Revise boring, incomprehensible study work from sleep-inducing lecturers even if they are at the limit of extremely barbaric tedium and lethargy and tell yourself it's due to overwork and not to bad quality drugs.
2. Stop terrorising lecturers and other students as it's bad for health ('their' health!)
3. Drink water instead of wine because it is cheaper and doesn't make you think it's july in december and vice-versa.

And finally,

<---Avatar no.3

<--Euh, what's this supposed to be doing here? Oops, made
a mistake (a voluntary one) in posting the avatar images......

(Hi hi hi...Smile baby, smile...In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.)

Aah..Es spiritus(the Spirit); he's a friend of mine, by the way..
Tu coque filli? (You too my son?)


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